Do you like watching rodeo riders hang on for dear life? Well, imagine that but on two wheels… Welcome to the sport of downhill mountain biking where individuals compete against the clock to see who can hang on to their bike as they plummet down a track all to see who gets the fastest time. One track, one lap, one winner to rise above the others.
Spider Mountain is proud to introduce Hill Country Downhill, a downhill mountain bike race series in the heart of Texas Hill Country. Each race will feature a fresh race track making each race unmissable. At this first stop on October 27-29, we are stoked to be digging a new track called “Cedar Fever” the details of the track are top secret to keep this race fair for locals and travelers alike.
Hill Country Downhill is the perfect race for everyone, from serious pros to the person who has never raced their bike before. However, if you are a serious racer, know that $1000 cash prize is on the line in the pro category.